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Cleaning Like My Life Depends On It

For the month of March, my task would be to clean at least 15 minutes every weekday and 30 minutes every weekend. The goal for this month was to keep a clean and tidy home. But then last weekend, one of my roommates tested positive for COVID-19, and cleaning got a whole lot more serious.

Despite best efforts on everyone’s part, cleaning and quarantining, wearing masks and avoiding contact with anyone, today I also tested positive for COVID-19.

If you read this blog with any regularity, or have spoken to me even briefly over the past two years, you’ll know that this is one of my worst fears come to startling fruition. I’ve been in a constant state of low-level panic since 2020, both as someone who is terrified of germs and someone who is immunocompromised.

But now that I’m actually infected, I feel a strange sense of relief. Obviously I’m not happy about contracting the virus, and I feel like death warmed over, but still, I’m strangely calm.

I’m lucky enough to have received both vaccine shots and a booster, so odds are in my favor that mine will be a short, mild case. I am not foolish or self centered enough to forget that this is not the case for everyone, and I pray for those who are not as fortunate.

As of right now, I’m quarantined in my bedroom, medicine and tissues at my bedside, the Sims 3 running faithfully on my computer.

I’m sure there was more that I wanted to say, and a point in here somewhere, but right now I’m too damn tired to remember. So for now, please everyone, stay safe, wear your masks, and clean like your life depends on it.

4 thoughts on “Cleaning Like My Life Depends On It”

  1. Dearest Alex, I a so sorry! May your illness truly be short and mild. Grandpa and I will be rather constantly praying for you! We love you SO much! Grandma H.


    1. So good to talk to you and see you today. I am truly sorry that you got the “virus” and that you feel so bad. The sun will come out tomorrow and so will the cherry blossoms! I love you lots and send you hugs and kisses. Grammy


  2. We’re so sorry Alex! So thankful you’ve been able to get all your shots. Sending our love , hugs and prayers. ~Aunt Deborah et al 🙏💗


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